PODCAST: Fireworks Brigade Hosts Johnny Starr and Ron the Banker interview NFA Outside Counsel

Fireworks Brigade Hosts Johnny Starr and Ron the Banker interview NFA Outside Counsel Spencer Elg.

This special episode of Fireworks Brigade is an update on the Consumer Product Safety Commission’s (CPSC) proposed sweeping changes that could have a long term adverse effect on consumer fireworks. For a more basic understanding of the proposed rule changes, tune in to Episode 68 of the program.  
To learn more about how to get involved just Google search #SAVEOURFIREWORKS or email the NFA at nfasafety@gmail.com and tell them how the CPSC’s proposed rule change would affect you. 
Please contact the CPSC’s acting Chairwoman Ann Marie Buerkle at (301) 504-7978 or at abuerke@cpsc.gov and let her know your views on the proposed regulations change.

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