PRESS RELEASE: Congressman Dusty Johnson Visits NFA President; Talks #BoomTax and #SaveOurFireworks

“I was pleased to have Congressman Johnson here at Lantis Fireworks,” said the NFA President. “He understands the regulatory challenges facing our industry and is committed to being a voice for small family-run fireworks businesses.”
During the visit, Lantis talked with Johnson about the proposed rule from the Consumer Product Safety Commission (CPSC) that would limit the amount of powdered metal in the burst charge of aerial fireworks that would dramatically alter their performance and potentially make them less safe.
Congressman Johnson and Lantis also talked about the proposed 25% tariffs on Chinese imports that would affect consumer fireworks. Lantis pressed the NFA’s position that the tariff is really a “boom tax” and would severely hurt the industry.
“Fireworks serve as a symbol of celebration for our nation’s independence and heritage,” said Representative Johnson. “I’m encouraged President Trump halted proposed tariffs on fireworks ahead of Fourth of July, and I will continue to urge the Consumer Product Safety Commission to protect access for safe consumer fireworks in the United States.”
“Congressman Johnson understands the business of fireworks and understands they’re primarily made in China,” Lantis said. “He gets the wage and regulatory environment make it difficult to manufacture here and what tariffs would do to the small family run importers and distributors of consumer fireworks.
“He also fully understands the impact the proposed CPSC rule would have and we’re grateful to have a champion of consumer fireworks in the U.S Congress,” Lantis concluded.
About NFA: The National Fireworks Associationis a non-profit organization dedicated to advocating for the safety of consumer fireworks. Importers, distributors, manufacturers and sellers of commercial fireworks make up the over 1200 small businesses member companies who operate in the United States.
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