Are You Ready to Promote Your Fireworks Demo?
Our industry is rooted in the spirit of togetherness. Each year, millions of Americans come together in hundreds of thousands of neighborhoods each year to watch our industry light up the skies in celebration of everything that makes our country great. Right now, our country is nervous with an uncertainty of when life might return back to normal. Practicing appropriate social distancing means we can’t all come together in our neighborhoods like we could have one year ago. So as we move through the next few weeks, we’re entering a very critical time for our industry - demo season. The NFA would like to help amplify your demo shoot via its social media platforms and bring some much-needed joy to the millions of Americans who are staying in place at home in the process. Please, email and let us know when you’re planning your demo shoot. On your own, you can do a few things to help you and advertise in your local community....
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